If your name is John Smith, your User Name would be John.Smith. Be sure you use the same name you used when you applied for admission to Northwest (no nicknames).
If this is the first time you have accessed MyNWC, you need to . Please keep in mind it will take 24 hours after your registration for your account to be ready for activation. To activate your account, you will need:
*If you have not received your NWC ID in an email (or can't find the email), it may also be found on some college mailings (statements, schedules, etc.)
To to the MyNWC college portal, put your firstname.lastname in the "User Name" box and your password in the "Password" box. Your initial password will be the one you created when you activated your account.
online or contact the Help Desk at 307-754-6080.
Note: For better security of your personal data when you are finished, you should always log out of MyNWC to close your session.