Students will
1. Compute derivatives and use them in applications.
- In Math 2200 (calculus I), the focus is on derivatives of single variable functions.
- In Math 2205 (calculus II), the focus is on derivatives of transcendental functions.
- In Math 2210 (calculus III), the focus is on derivatives of multi-variable functions.
2. Compute integrals and use them in applications.
- In Math 2200 (calculus I), the focus is on integrals of single variable functions.
- In Math 2205 (calculus II), the focus is on special techniques of integration.
- In Math 2210 (calculus III), the focus is on integrals of multi-variable functions.
3. Use series to represent functions.
4. Model motion using vectors and perform calculus operations on them.
5. Create and analyze mathematical models.